I’m excited to share that we have finished planting all trees as per the master planting plan, which means we have planted a total of 67 trees this fall. As the Superintendent of our great property, not only am I excited for the number of trees planted, but I’m proud we have taken the time to carefully choose our tree species and locations to ensure these newly planted trees will be part of our landscape and coexist with the golf course for many years to come.
I’m also proud and thankful for the many Credit Valley members who donated trees. All donated trees will be tagged with the name of the individual or family that helped contribute to the purchase of the tree. The names of each of these individuals will also be on display in the lower level of the Clubhouse beside the tree master plan display. Please remember, it’s not too late to donate a tree, as there are still some available in select planting zones.
If you’ve had a chance to be out on the golf course in the past few weeks you will notice that nearly all diseased Spruce trees have been removed. If the weather cooperates over the next few weeks, staff will be busy grinding the remaining stumps and preparing areas for sod before winter.
Over the past few weeks our tree contractors have been busy working on holes 13-16 pruning, removing deadwood and improving structure for long term health.
As always, if you have questions about the recent tree work or anything else on the golf course, please contact me at your convenience.

New plantings along the left side of 3 fairway

Remaining Spruce trees between 14 and 15 fairways. Currently these trees appear healthy. We will be closely monitoring these trees for disease symptoms for the foreseeable future.

New plantings along the left side of 12 fairway

New plantings between 14 and 15 fairways