I’m pleased to publish this blog to pass along the news that all is well regarding the risk of river flooding after the high volumes of rainfall and rapid snow thaw earlier in the week.
Although it appeared at one point on Wednesday afternoon that the water may come over the river banks it has since receded by a couple of feet and will likely continue to go down over the next few days. At this point in the season, it is unlikely that the river should cause any significant worry as we head into spring. Either way we’ll continue to keep our fingers crossed!

Wednesday Morning

Friday Morning
As discussed in my last blog, the river did flood early in the New Year causing minor damage to the greenside bunkers on holes 8 and 10, as well as debris, silt deposits and minor turf damage. Compared to previous seasons damage, and what other golf courses in the area have sustained we should consider ourselves very lucky as the majority of this damage will likely be cleaned up before the golf course opens.
Please take a moment to watch some drone footage shot shortly after the flood in January.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMUUB243Zwg?rel=0&showinfo=0&w=560&h=315]
Over the next few weeks we will be closely monitoring the weather to determine the appropriate timing to remove greens covers and begin to bring staff in for training and course cleanup.