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Our Blogs
November Course Update
Course Washrooms, Halfway House and Irrigation Blowout With the impending arrival of winter, the course and Halfway House washrooms will close for the season at the completion of play Wednesday. It is imperative that all moisture is blown out of the water lines before temperatures dip consistently below the freezing mark. The irrigation system blowout…
Read More.Dad’s For Father’s Day
Whoa, we are cooking with gas now. The Member Guest has come and gone as quickly as our local weather patterns. We transition into another celebration, Father’s Day. We are smoking brisket as I write this in what is a now a tradition; Dad’s Root Beer marinated and smoked brisket. Last year we had just…
Read More.Monday Night is Family Night
As the golf season gets rolling we have a new feature day in the Valley Grill: Monday Night Family Night! We are roasting whole chickens in our space-age oven, making for a delicious family feast. Planning for this event starts on Friday, when we get in fresh whole birds and brine them overnight! Then we…
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