Golf Course
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Our Blogs
Tree Update
Over the past few weeks there have been many good questions about Credit Valley’s tree population and some of our current struggles. Before I go into detail on the particulars, I’d like to take a moment to explain our overall tree management and master plan for the golf course. In 2015-2016 the current tree inventory…
Read More.That Was A Hot Week!
In my last blog I discussed the drought conditions we were experiencing and the much-needed rain we were hoping for. Luckily Mother Nature was listening as we received approximately 40mm of rain over three days (June 24-27). For today’s blog, I will be discussing the recent extreme heat we’ve received and how that impacts the…
Read More.A Bit of Rain Would Be Nice
It’s hard to believe that the month of June is nearly behind us! Although the golf season got off to a slow start, the last two months have provided some great weather. With great weather, comes little rain, which has certainly been the case this spring. When it comes to managing the golf course, drier…
Read More.Golf Course Update
After a roller coaster start to the season, we’ve begun to find our rhythm as we work to fine tune playing conditions and housekeeping throughout the property. Please read on for a brief summary of what’s been going on and what to expect in the coming weeks. Early Spring Update Two windstorms this season, the…
Read More.Course Opening – Wednesday, May 2
What a difference a week makes! Now that winter has finally decided to move on, the greens department (and the turf) have welcomed the sunshine and warmer temperatures while we work hard to prepare the golf course for Opening Day. As mentioned in my previous blog, we find ourselves in the unique situation this year…
Read More.Course Opening Updates
Last Friday (April 13) I thought I had it all figured out as my blog was ready to be published outlining our schedule for having the course prepared for Members’ Opening Day next week. I was obviously over optimistic or naïve to think the storm that hit us over the weekend wasn’t going to be…
Read More.Credit River and Course Update
I’m pleased to publish this blog to pass along the news that all is well regarding the risk of river flooding after the high volumes of rainfall and rapid snow thaw earlier in the week. Although it appeared at one point on Wednesday afternoon that the water may come over the river banks it has…
Read More.Winter Course Update
What a contrast this winter has been compared to last year! Prior to the thaw last week the river was completely frozen over. The warmer temperatures, combined with the rain proved to be too much for the river to remain within the banks, and as a result the river flooded onto portions of the golf…
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