Our Blogs
July 7 Course Update
It is hard to believe that a month and a half ago we were still experiencing snow flurries! We are now amid one of the hottest stretches of summer in Southern Ontario’s history. As of July 6, we have exceeded 30⁰C, 15 times, surpassing all yearly records with the exceptions of 1949 and 2005, which…
Read More.Father’s Day 2020
Thank you for your continued support. We have a couple of really exciting culinary announcements attached to this week’s broadcast. We had great success over Mother’s Day with not only prepared meals ready to heat and serve, but also in our gift basket campaign. This is a new direction for us and we will continue…
Read More.Ticks and Lyme Disease at Credit Valley
Ticks and Lyme Disease are becoming more of a concern in Ontario and I have recently received a few inquiries about ticks on the golf course. Please read on to learn some useful information to help you limit your risk. Here are two images of Ontario that show the expansion of Lyme disease concerns in…
Read More.2020 Course and Property Maintenance Changes
The golf season is underway and just in time, as summer appears on the horizon! Now that the course is open for play, I wanted to address the differences in course and property management we have implemented for the 2020 season. A lot of time and thought has been put into what changes can be…
Read More.COVID-19 Golf Protocols
Golf Conditioning Exercises – Anna Burnett
Jason Hanna Video Update – May 12
Staff Video Address From Jason
Casey Ward – 15-Minute Golf Mobility Workout
Get your body and swing ready for a return to golf with this 15-minute mobility plan from Head Teaching Professional, Casey Ward. Follow along in real-time as Casey takes you through exercises you can do at home to make sure your body is in peak form when we get back on the tee.
Read More.River Erosion, Inclinator and Course Conditioning Updates
Upon writing this I still find it surreal as to what has happened in the last six weeks. What started out looking like an early spring has ground to a halt with COVID-19 and the cold weather returning. If you have taken the opportunity to walk the course this season, you will likely have noticed…
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